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Welcome to the frequently asked questions! If your question is not here, do not hesitate to reach out to your AirGrid/MiQ contact.

What new reporting or insights will I receive as part of the beta?

The Privacy Sanbox ARA is a replacement for 3p cookie based measurement with a single goal, to make online attribution & measurement more private for web users. In order to make measurement more private some loss of information must be introduced. This means that we will be able to see and provide less information than what has been possible using 3p cookies.

The goal of this testing period is all about:

  • Understanding the amount of information loss.
  • Optimising both on site and server side configurations to minimise the information loss.
  • Creating a strategy to help clients mitigate any negative ROI impact from these changes.

What data does the advertiser (conversion) pixel collect?

During the beta period the PSB pixel will collect both:

  • Dimensions which are collected by traditional cookie based pixels.
  • Reports sent from the browser by the new Attribution & Reporting API.

The reason for collecting cookie based signals including a 3p unique user identifier is to be able to run analysis to assess the differences between traditional measurement and the new APIs.

Please see the full list here.
