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PSB - Pixels

This document outlines the signals collected by the PSB pixels.


The beta period, lasting until the cookie deprecation date by Chrome, (currently set to early 2025) will collect both PSB signals and traditional 3p cookie based signals for the purpose of analysing the impact of the switch.

Creative (Impression) Pixel

The following table lists all signals collected by the pixel inserted into the campaign creative.

DimensionBeta OnlyUsage
Request IDNoA unique identifier for each request the server receives, i.e each pixel fire.
TimestampNoA timestamp of the time at which the pixel fired.
Referral URLNoThe URL of the page where a person clicked a link to arrive on the current page.
User agentNoUnderstanding device, browser and OS technographics.
IP addressNoUsed only for mapping to geo location information, it is not used for targeting.
DSP creative macrosNoCampaign hierarchy and seller dimensions offered by DSPs, see below for a link to the full list.
ARA support headersNoSpecial headers sent by the browser to signify if the browser supports ARA reporting.
Source event IDNoA 64bit int stored as a string used to identify the impression, sent by the browser in the conversion report.
User ID (3p cookie)YesCollected during the beta only, whilst 3p cookies are available and is used only for comparison of ARA to 3p cookie based measurement.

Creative macros:

  • DV360 (supported)
  • Xandr (supported)
  • TTD (coming soon)
  • Yahoo (coming soon)

Advertiser (Conversion) Pixel

The following table lists all signals collected by the pixel added to the advertiser website.

DimensionBeta OnlyUsage
Request IDNoA unique identifier for each request the server receives, i.e each pixel fire.
TimestampNoA timestamp of the time at which the pixel fired.
Referral URLNoThe URL of the page where a person clicked a link to arrive on the current page.
User agentNoUnderstanding device, browser and OS technographics.
IP addressNoUsed only for mapping to geo location information, it is not used for targeting.
ARA support headersNoSpecial headers sent by the browser to signify if the browser supports ARA reporting.
Trigger DataNoA 3 bit value, (0 or 1) which is returned in the conversion report sent by the browser.
User ID (3p cookie)YesCollected during the beta only, whilst 3p cookies are available and is used only for comparison of ARA to 3p cookie based measurement.